Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bye2 Melaka..C U LATER..

Assalamualaikum wbt.

pergh..dah agak lama xposting entry yg. baru
yelah buat blog ni dulu pun sebab assignment
baru sekarang trpikir nk aktif berblog best je kn..hehe
anyways dah msuk 4 bulan tinggal kt Melaka niee..duit pun dan kopak weih..
memang tinggal kt sini best gyler..mcm2 ade..smua yg. kita nak senang dapat semua dekat..best2..ngee..

tak sah kalau tak pergi tempat niee..
UITM KBM..sentiasa dihatiku..
hmm..sepanjang belajar kt UiTM KBM nie apa yg boleh saya katakn..
KBM sangat SEJUK!!!
wahaha..tpi yg pling aku kesah mse nk pergi kelas la...hehe..yelah lif cme ada 4 je..dah lak tu stu reserve untk staf student nk dkt 5 ribu orng..jdi nk xnk naiklah tngga..klu kjlas kt aras 14 haaa 14 tangga lah ko mndaki..gasak situ..tpi ak xkysah ak ske..ske sngat..

Ok yg paling pnting skali classmate aku mmg sporting dan cool..ske sngat dengan mereka..



the end~

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We're going up!!!

kata-kata gembira pasukan Norwich City F.C yg. telah berjaya melayakkan untuk bersaing dalam Liga Perdana musin depan..

Tahu tak kenapa pasukan ini boleh dianggap ajaib??

Yup..pasukan ini memang ajaib kerana berjaya naik 'pangkat' ke Liga Perdana dalam tempoh hanya setahun. sebelum  bersaing di Liga N-Power Championship  pasukan bimbingan Paul Lambert terlebih dahulu bersaing dalam Liga Cola-Cola 2 (mungkin dah tukar nama kot..) dan berjaya menjadi juara pada waktu itu dan seterusnya telah meraih tempat secara automatik ke Liga Perdana selepas menduduki tangga kedua dan hanya setahun bersaing dalam NPower Championship.

Kemenangan ketika bertemu Portsmouth 1-0 menerusi jaringan Simeon Jackson telah mengesahkan kehadiran semula pasukan ini di Liga Perdana.

sokong pasukan ini musim depan ..hehe..

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

STraight eDge

Assalamualaikum wbt.

The point I post about this article s not as glorifying western culture, but only as general information. 

Straight edge refers to a subculture of hardcore punk which was a direct reaction to the sexual revolution, hedonism, and excess associated with punk rock In its simplest form, straight edge is a philosophy of staying clean and sober: meaning refraining from using alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs. For some, this extends to not engaging in promiscuous sex, following a vegetarian or vegan diet, not using caffeine or prescription drugs. The term was coined by the 1980s hardcore punk band Minor Threat in their song "Straight Edge."

Since the late 1970s, straight edge has been a part of the punk scene. During that time, a wide variety of beliefs and ideas have been incorporated into straight edge including violence, vegetarianism, animal rights, communism and Hare Krishna beliefs.In many parts of the United States, straight edge is treated as a gang;however, recent studies suggest that only a small minority of the people who refer to themselves as straight edge are violent.


In 1999, William Tsitsos wrote that straight edge had gone though three eras since its founding in the early 1980s.Later analyst have identified another era that has taken place since Tsitsos's writing.

1970s and early 1980s

Originally, straight edge was most closely associated with hardcore punk which developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and was partly characterized by shouted rather than sung vocals.Straight edge individuals of this early era often associated with the original punk ideals such as individualism, disdain for work and school, and live-for-the-moment attitudes.
Straight edge sentiments can be found in songs by the early-1980s band Minor Threat, most explicitly within their song "Straight Edge."An additional example of what may be considered a proto-straight-edge song is "Keep It Clean" by first wave English punk band The Vibrators. Singer-songwriter Jonathan Richman's early band The Modern Lovers also made a proto-straight-edge stand in the song "I'm Straight," which rejected drug use and first appeared in the compilation Troublemakers (1980). As one of the few prominent 1970s hard rock icons to explicitly eschew alcohol and drug use, singer/guitarist Ted Nugent was also a key influence on the straight edge ideology.
Although straight edge started on the East Coast of the United States in Washington D.C. it quickly spread through the US and Canada. By the 1980s, bands on the West Coast of the United States, such as America's Hardcore (A.H.C.), Stalag 13, Justice League and Uniform Choice, were gaining popularity. In the early stages of this subculture’s history, concerts often consisted of non-straight-edge punk bands along with straight edge bands. However, circumstances soon changed and early 1980s would eventually be viewed as the time "before the two scenes separated. Early straight edge bands included: the Washington D.C. bands Minor Threat, State of Alert (S.O.A.), Government Issue and Teen Idles; Reno's 7 Seconds; Boston's SSD, DYS and Negative FX; Californiabands as mentioned above; and New York City bands such as Cause for Alarm and The Abused.

Bent edge
Bent edge was formed at a counter movement to straight edge by members of Washington, DC hardcore scene who were fed up with the rigidness and intolerance in the new-upcoming straight edge scene. This idea of a counter movement quickly spread through out the country. On Minor Threat's first tour in 1982, people would approach the band telling them that they were bent or curved edge.The counter-movement was short lived and faded away by the end of the 1980s.

Youth crew (mid 1980s)

During the youth crew era, which started in the mid 1980s, the influence of music on the straight edge scene seemed to be at an all-time high. The new branches of straight edge that came about during this era seemed to originate from ideas presented in songs. Notable youth crew bands included: Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, 7 Seconds, Judge, Bold, Chain of Strength, Uniform Choice, and Slapshot.
Starting in the mid-1980s, the band Youth of Today became associated with the straight edge movement, and their song "Youth Crew" expressed a desire to unite the scene into a movement. The most identifiable theme that arose during the youth crew era was an association of straight edge with vegetarianism. In 1988, Youth of Today released the song "No More", which initiated this new theme within the subculture. Lead singer Ray Cappo displayed his vegetarian views in the lyrics: "Meat-eating, flesh-eating, think about it. So callous this crime we commit."This catalyzed a trend towards animal rights and veganism within straight edge that would reach its peak in the 1990s.


By the early 1990s, militant straight edge was a well-known presence in the scene—the term militant meaning someone who is dedicated and outspoken, but also believed to be narrow-minded, judgmental, and potentially violent.[21] The militant straight edge individual was characterized by less tolerance for non-straight-edge people, more outward pride in being straight edge, more outspokenness, and the willingness to resort to violence in order to promote clean living.
It was also around this time that veganism would become a major part of the lives of many straight edge individuals; it was also reflected by bands such as Earth Crisis and Path of Resistance that promoted militant straight edge and animal rights messages. From this view on militant straight edge came a more extreme variant called Hardline.
In the early to mid 1990s, straight edge spread from the United States to Northern Europe,  Eastern Europe, the Middle East,and South America.Straight edge spread around the world because of the touring of youth crew bands and the fact that albums could be easily ordered by mail.In the mid-1990s, a number of bands advocating social justice, animal liberation, veganism, and straight edge practices displayed a stronger metal influence. Bands from this era include Mouthpiece,Morning Again, Culture, Earth Crisis, Undertow, and Strife.


After the 1990s, some of the more controversial aspects that surrounded straight edge began to disappear, partly in response to media reports portraying the movement as a type of gang.[ In a 2003 study on straight edge, one out of
the twenty participants interviewed advocated some form
 of violence. In the 2000s, there is a growing amount of tolerance of people who do not follow the straight edge lifestyle by straight edge individuals. Many bands now range from a variety of styles, some having a more classic hardcore punk element, while others have a more metallic style. Some of these new era Straight Edge bands include Allegiance, Casey Jones, Champion, Down to Nothing, Embrace Today, Eyes To The Sky, Have Heart, Liferuiner, Righteous Jams,Stick to Your Guns, and Throwdown.

X symbol

Italian straight edge band To Killperforming live
The letter X is the most known symbol of straight edge, and is sometimes worn as a marking on the back of both hands, though it can be displayed on other body parts as well. Some followers of straight edge have also incorporated the symbol into clothing and pins. According to a series of interviews by journalist Michael Azerrad, the Straight Edge "X" can be traced to the Teen Idles' brief U.S. West Coast tour in 1980. The Teen Idles were scheduled to play at San Francisco's Mabuhay Gardens, but when the band arrived, club management discovered that the entire band was under the legal drinking age and therefore would be denied entry to the club. As a compromise, management marked each of the Idles' hands with a large black "X" as a warning to the club's staff not to serve alcohol to the band. Upon returning to Washington, D.C., the band suggested this same system to local clubs as a means to allow teenagers in to see musical performances without being served alcohol. The Teen Idles released a record in 1980 called Minor Disturbance with the cover shot being two hands with black X's on the back.The mark soon became associated with the Straight Edge lifestyle. In recent years, more venues and clubs have begun adopting this system. A variation involving a trio of X's (XXX) is often used in show flyers and tattoos. This can be used to show that an adherent is extremely straight edge.Also, it can be ironic based on the fact that three X's are a cartoon way to signify alcohol or poison. The term is sometimes abbreviated by including an X with the abbreviation of the term "straight edge" to give "sXe". By analogy, hardcore punk is sometimes abbreviated to "hXc". The X symbol can be used as a way to signify a band or person is straight edge, by adding an 'x' to the front and back, for example, the band xDEATHSTARx.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hobbies, Interest, Like...

Asslamualaikum wbt.

all people have things they like to do no matter when, where, how, what to do and with whom. I was no exception to what I said. Many of the things I like to do because I do not like to do the same things many times because it would bore me eventually. All sorts of activities I do to fulfill my free time either outdoors or indoors. Among these are sports, traveling, listening to music, playing musical instruments, cooking (hehe.. although I really do not know how to cook), camping, jungle trekking, hiking, chat and much more.


I like sports because the sports all the problems I had will be forgotten. This is because sports is one form of mental therapy. Among the sports that I usually do is play football, jogging, exercising, playing badminton, and much more. I was very active in sports during school days. I often represent the school in sporting events at the district level. Many of the success achieved during the tournament. Among the events which I have the 100m, 200m, 400m and 4x100m. To achieve success is not easy. I need to intensify training harder every time

I am very fond of doing vigorous activities such as mountain climbing, jungle trekking and camping. By doing this activity as I can get closer to nature so I will better appreciate nature. nature is a gift from God if we do not appreciate it then it will destroy us again for the green forest is the source of our oxygen without oxygen we would not live. During the first days of school I was a member of Scout camping activity is to be a habit for me. Besides, I always participated in rock climbing because I have an active school activities such as mountain climbing every year to Gunung Tahan, Trans Titiwangsa and much more. In much conquered the mountain, Trans Titiwangsa is the most I liked. The route is very challenging but very enjoyable. The actual route used is a path used by Malay warriors during the time of resistance to colonialism, the Mat Kilau. This route starts from the Ulu Slim, Perak to the Ulu Sungai, Raub, Pahang. Trip distance is about 25 KM and takes about 7 hours to 10 hours.
 xpdc in 2008..i was in the 3.19 until 3.21 minutes..

I love music, whether heard or played a musical instrument. between the genres that I love the Jazz, Punk Rock, Hardcore, Instrumental, Powerpop, and Brit Rock. But I prefer to listen to music according to mood saya.Antara of my favorite bands are The Bearles, My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, Arctic Monkeys, Radiohead, Muse, Coldplay and many more. Meanwhile, a musical instrument that I play regularly and enjoy the bass guitar. The sound produced by the musical instrument can make me feel calm even the music that I play quite hard.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

from there I come ~ Slim River

Assalamualaikum wbt.

                    As I mention before I was born in Slim River, Perak. Almost 20 years I live in that place since I was born there. Slim River are located at the southern of Perak in the district of Batang Padang. Slim River is a small town  that surrounded by many small villages. Slim River is the second biggest town in Tanjung Malim district. It's about 125 km from Kuala Lumpur and about 50 minutes driving time from Kuala Lumpur. From Tanjung Malim it's about 20km to the north and from Ipoh it's about 121 km and the driving time is about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

SLIM state asmblyman, Dato Mohd Khusairi B. Abd. Talib

Slim River location in Malaysia map

 The town is named after a nearby river, Sungai Slim. The river was actually named after an English captain with last name Slim in the 18th century. He accidentally went up the river instead of the river of Perak which was the main waterway back then. The main economic activities are agriculture-based, such as palm oil and rubber plantations. There are some automotive shops selling engine parts and components. This is due to the proximity of the new car manufacturing town, Proton City in Tanjung Malim. The State Asmblyman is YB Dato' Mohamad Khusairi Bin Abdul Talib.

Slim River Town
                       The waterfall at Sungai Bil is famous among the locals for a weekend getaway. There are some nice spots along the waterfall for family recreation and camping. One can travel from the town by road within 30 minutes. Food stalls selling lunch and fast food are available normally during weekend. However, the water could be murky during the dry spell. Entrance fee is RM1.00 for car and RM0.50 for motorcycle. There is also a camping site.
There is also an open wet market every Sunday morning until noon, where one can try a variety of local dishes and delicacies.
At Ulu Slim, about the same distance from Slim River to Sungai Bil, there is a hot spring, and it is expected that the local government will develop the place, into a recreation area, for families. The water is 104C and is reputed to be the 5th hottest hot spring in the world.

Slim River Hospital
                Slim River was a military strategic mid-point from North to South of Malaya during World War II. It was the site of a major battle during World War II between the Japanese and British forces which consisted of troops from India, Australia and Great Britain. The British lost the Battle of Slim River to the Japanese forces, who were equipped with tanks. The Japanese also had total air superiority. In their defeat at Slim River, the British suffered heavy casualties and many units were cut off from their line of retreat. The battle effectively ended British hopes of defending Malaya.

It is accessible by road from the capital city, Kuala Lumpur (126 km) or by train (Slim River railway station). The main trunk road to Tanjung Malim was the first ever toll road in Malaysia and was eventually given free access to the public in the middle of the 1980s.
Before the construction of North-South Expressway, all traffic going to destinations in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia, such as Ipoh, Cameron Highlands and Penang will pass through the town of Slim River. With the new North-South Expressway bypassing smaller towns, fewer people, traffic, and tourists pass through Slim River. Currently, the economy of Slim River is improving due to the nearby Proton City, located in Tanjung Malim.

Slim River Railway Station



Thursday, February 3, 2011





Anthony Richard "Tony" Cottee born 11 July 1965 in Plaistow, England is a former football player who now works as a television football commentator. During his playing career, he was capped seven times by England, and played for a number of teams including West Ham United, Everton, Leicester City and the Malaysian side Selangor.

while representing england in international matches

Tony Cottee action while playing for Everton

                                                                              Tony Cottee began his career at West Ham, where he made his first team debut in the First Division against Tottenham Hotspur on 1 January 1983, at the age of 17, scoring in the process. He played a total of eight games in the 1982–83 season, scoring five goals. He established himself in the first team during the 1983–84 season, when still only 18, and scored 15 times in the league. He did even better in 1984–85, when he scored 17 First Division goals. By the age of 20, he had already managed an impressive 37 league goals.
He was a prolific goalscorer especially in his West Ham days, where he was voted the PFA Young Player of the Year in 1986, the year where West Ham finished third (their highest league finish to date) and came just four points away from the title. He scored 20 times in the league during that season, though his strike partner Frank McAvennie did even better with 26 league goals. Still, their 46-goal strike partnership was the most prolific in the league that season.

1986–87 saw Cottee score 23 league goals – which would be the highest of his career. However, Frank McAvennie alongside him could only manage seven league goals that season and this contributed to a downturn in West Ham's form as they finished 15th. Cottee managed a further 13 league goals in 1987–88, but McAvennie had been sold to Celtic early in the season and the failure of manager John Lyall to find an adequate replacement contributed to West Ham disappointing in the league again, finishing 16th. By this time, the 23-year-old Cottee had already managed 212 league games and 93 goals for Hammers.
Cottee briefly became the most expensive player to be signed by a British club when on 2 August 1988 he joined Everton in a £2.2 million deal (a fee eclipsed by Ian Rush's return to Liverpool from Juventus later that month).
He made his Everton debut on 27 August 1988, the opening day of the 1988–89 First Division campaign, in a 4–0 home win over Newcastle United in which he scored a hat-trick. He managed a further 10 league goals that season, though Everton were relatively disappointing in the league as they finished eighth – having been a top four club and twice champions in the previous four seasons. However, they did reach the FA Cup final and were paired with neighbours Liverpool at Wembley on 20 May 1989. It was a close contest but in the end Everton lost 3–2 in extra time. Earlier in the season Cottee and his colleagues and been on the receiving end of another Wembley defeat, this time to Nottingham Forest who beat them 4-3 in th final of the Full Members Cup, but Cottee still managed to get on the scoresheet twice.
Cottee spent his first season at Goodison Park playing alongside Graeme Sharp, but for 1989–90 manager Colin Harvey changed the formation to 4–3–3 and brought in Mike Newell as Everton's third striker. The season began very promisingly for Everton, who went top of the league on 21 October and stayed there until mid November, but their title hopes gradually disintegrated and they finished sixth while the title went to Liverpool. Cottee once again managed 13 league goals in a season

1990–91 was arguably Everton's worst season in a decade. Manager Colin Harvey was sacked on 31 October 1990 with the Toffees third from bottom in the First Division, and a week later Howard Kendall(who had guided them to two league titles, an FA Cup and a European Cup Winners' Cup in his first spell from 1981 to 1987) was appointed with Harvey returning as his assistant. Everton's form improved under Kendall and they finished ninth, also reaching the FA Cup quarter-finals and ousting Liverpool in the fifth round. Cottee managed 10 league goals.
1991–92 was a frustrating season for Cottee and his colleagues. By mid November he had new strike partners in Peter Beardsley and Mo Johnston following the sale of both Graeme Sharp and Mike Newell, and while the new look strikeforce was reasonably productive, the rest of the team struggled to match their standards. Cottee was restricted to eight goals from 24 games through injury, and Everton finished mid table once again. It was the first time since his debut season nine years earlier that he had scored less than 10 league goals in a season.

celebrate the goal with his teammates when defeated N. Sembilan while representing Selangor

1992–93 saw Everton participate in the inaugural FA Premier League, and Cottee did better this time, scoring 12 goals. He managed 16 league goals in 1993–94, but it was a disastrous season for Everton who only narrowly avoided relegation just seven years after being league champions. He returned to West Ham United on 7 September 1994 in a part exchange deal for defender David Burrows. He had played 184 league games in six years for the Toffees, scoring 76 goals, but unfortunately had not won any major trophies. His overall career tally for league goals now stood at 169. He remained at Filbert Street until 11 September 2000, by which time he had played a total of 85 league games for the Foxes and scored 27 goals – bringing his total career tally to 209 league goals. In 1999–2000, when in his 35th year, he finally won a major trophy as he helped Leicester defeat Tranmere Rovers 2–1 in the Football League Cup final.
In September 2000, Cottee joined Norwich City as player-coach under recently-appointed manager Bryan Hamilton, however this did not last long as Cottee struggled to meet the demands placed on him, scoring two goals against Blackpool in the League Cup[7] and Sheffield United in the league.  After being released by Norwich on 31 October 2000, he took over as player-manager of Barnet, a team closer to his home in London. After winning his first game with the club 7–0, Barnet hit a run of poor form which left them facing relegation from the Football League. Cottee resigned on 16 March 2001,[however his replacement, John Still (who left the club just before Cottee's appointment six months earlier), was unable to rescue the team from relegation. However, Cottee did manage an impressive nine goals from 16 Division Three games.
A week after resigning from Barnet, Cottee signed for Millwall on transfer deadline day. During this remarkable season, which was his last as a player, Cottee played for a different team in each of the top four divisions of English football in the same season, a rare achievement last performed by goalkeeper Eric Nixon in 1986–87.
Cottee gained seven England caps, played in the 1989 FA Cup Final for Everton and won the League Cup with Leicester City in 2000.
His final career tally was 579 league games and 226 goals. In all competitions, he managed 712 games and 293 goals. He exceed his ambition to score 200 league goals in his career, but fell just short of his target of 300 goals in all competitions. Still, he was one of the most prolific goalscorers that English football saw during the 1980s and 1990s.
Cottee has admitted to diligently maintaining a scrapbook containing press cuttings of every goal he has scored throughout his playing career.
He is now a commentator with Sky Sports and occasional pundit for Malaysian network Astro, appearing on its 2010 FIFA World Cup and Barclays Premier League studio coverage in Kuala Lumpur
